Cat Diseases

Diseases of Cats

Table of Contents

Building this page is an ongoing work.

Here we describe various cat diseases (feline diseases), with reference to acupuncture, herbal treatment, homeopathic treatment, chiropractic manipulation etc., where appropriate. We invite and accept referrals for complimentary and alternative medicine treatments.

see also: Cat Cases

return to cat main page: Cats


Herbal Acupuncture Homeopathy Chiropractic Nutrition Natural Holistic

Cat Disease List

Abscess AIHA Allergies Alopecia Anaemia – Anemia
Aortic Thrombosis – Aortic Embolism Arthritis Asthma
Auto-immune – Autoimmune Back & Neck Problems Behavioural Problems Calicivirus & FVR Cancer
Cat Flu – Feline Influenza Chlamydia Constipation & Megacolon Corneal Ulcer Cystitis
Diabetes Diarrhoea Ear Problems & Ear Mites Eosinophilic Granuloma Eosinophilic Skin Disease
Feline Dysautonomia Feline Herpes Feline Infectious Anaemia – FIA FeLV
FIP FIV FUS Flea Allergy Fleas
Food Poisoning Gingivitis Gum Disease Haemobartonella
Heart Disease Herpes
Hormonal Alopecia Hyperthyroid Iliac Thrombosis IMHA Influenza
Key-Gaskell Kidney Disease Lungworm Megacolon Miliary Dermatitis
Miliary Eczema Obesity Osteomyelitis Paralysis
Rodent Ulcer Sarcoma Sinusitis Smoking Stomatitis
Teeth Thrombosis Thyroid Problems Ulcers Urine Spraying
Urological Syndrome Vaccination Problems Wounds

See also: Articles in .pdf format on Cat DiseasesClick

In addition to the above links, we have a suite of brief introductory pages for quick reference on the following:

AllergyArthritisAutoimmune DisordersBack ProblemsBehavioural ProblemsCancerKidney DiseaseParalysisSkin Problems

If these prove useful to readers and if we receive requests for others, we shall try to oblige as soon as possible.





In cats, cat fights and cat bites will often result in deep and painful abscesses. Cats' claws and teeth are contaminated with some potentially quite dangerous bacterial organisms.

Intervention with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs or lancing can abort the process, leading to chronic complications.

Rather than surgical and antibiotic intervention, we usually rely upon homeopathic treatment and warm salty water bathing (fomentation). In this way, the abscess will usually burst and clear itself thoroughly.

Some abscesses can be in bony areas (e.g. the rump), resulting in a danger of osteomyelitis. Again, homeopathy is our treatment of choice for this problem. Antibiotics can rarely deal with such problems.

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AIHA – Auto Immune Haemolytic Anaemia

aka Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia (IMHA)

AIHA is a disease commonly referred to as ‘idiopathic' (i.e. ‘of unknown aetiology or origin' or ‘arising spontaneously'). However, at the AVMC, we believe that any calamitous disturbance of immune function can lead to it and possible candidates are viruses and vaccination.

It is an ‘autoimmune‘ disorder, in which the red blood cells are the target of the misdirected or deranged immune process. Red cells are destroyed by this process more rapidly than the body can generate new ones, hence the onset of anaemia.

Homeopathic treatment is directed at stimulation of more normal immune activity and restoration of red blood cell numbers.

While a gloomy prognosis is often given, in conventional circles, we have been fortunate enough to see what appears to be full recovery, coincidental with homeopathic and holistic intervention in a significant number of cases. We certainly don't embark on treatment with pessimism, based on this fortunate experience. However, we do respect the fact that it is a potentially deadly disease and we can offer no promise of success in any single case undertaken. To steal and adapt part of a quotation by John Allen Paulos, we would state that the only certainty in medicine is uncertainty but we cannot be pessimistic in the face of the experience we have enjoyed to date.

Conventional treatment is usually by steroids and immuno-suppressants.


What is it?

The term ‘allergy’ implies a malfunction of the immune system. The word is derived from Ancient Greek, to mean ‘other function’, so it is one of the few modern disease names that accurately and meaningfully describes the fundamental dysfunction, rather than simply describing signs and symptoms.

In allergy, the immune system responds inappropriately to ‘allergens’, which are materials that ‘trigger’ the reaction. These may be pollens, house dust, flea saliva, moulds, grass proteins, garden plants, house plants, food components, household reagents or certain chemicals. Removing or reducing these allergens from the environment or diet of the cat may reduce the symptoms but will not cure the problem.

What causes it?

This is not known with certainty but any powerful immune challenges, such as virus or vaccination, are likely candidates.

Flea allergy

In the UK, many cats have fleas. Flea allergy is diagnosed very frequently, sometimes quite fallaciously. The presence of fleas at the time of a skin problem does not necessarily mean that the cat suffers a flea allergy. If a flea allergy does occur, this is a deep constitutional problem which needs correcting and just removing fleas, often with toxic chemicals, is not the full answer (see below).

Is allergy treatable?

By and large, the answer is yes.

In conventional medicine, it is usual to try to suppress the allergic reaction with anti-inflammatory drugs (such as steroid/cortisone) or with anti-histamines. This is a life-time task and can, in fact, lead to a worsening of the disease in the longer term. A course of desensitising vaccines may be offered, which are based on the result of specific allergy tests. This technique seems to be aimed to ‘tire', to ‘exhaust’ or to ‘wear out' the immune system into non-reactivity, but only helps in a few cases.

In natural medicine, at the Alternative Vet, we try to rebalance the immune system, such that the allergic reaction ceases to occur. This may require homeopathic constitutional prescribing and/or a remedy based more on specific troublesome symptoms. In addition to homeopathy, herbs and acupuncture can play a part in treatment.

In either case, it is wise to try to reduce the allergenic challenge from the environment in the meantime but, whereas in conventional medicine this is a permanent requirement, in natural medicine, a normal tolerance for the allergen may be re-established.

Diet is an essential component of holistic treatment, in that the immune system will heal much faster and more effectively if given a natural, healthy, unprocessed diet. Furthermore, some allergies occur to chemicals in the diet for which the cat has no need but which may be harmful anyway.

See also: Immunotherapy (Desensitising Injections) FAQ

C*Herbal vets don't grow on trees but some important herbal medicines do! Take salicylic acid, for instance, harvested from willow bark to give us aspirin. At the AVMC, however, we would give willow bark or meadow sweet (another plant that is rich in salicylate), in the raw state, in preference to the manufactured chemical extract. N.B.: These herbs should not be given in conjunction with conventional NSAIDs and vice versa. The veterinary herbalist should know this but many conventional vets will not, hence the potential dangers.


hair loss in cats including ‘hormonal alopecia'

What is it?

Alopecia simply means loss of hair. Hairless patches appear or there may just be ‘thinning’ of the coat. In cats it is quite commonly distributed on the abdomen, groin and inner thighs.

How does it arise?

It can occur through hormonal imbalance, dietary imbalance or stress. In some instances, it can arise from allergy to fleas or other materials. Chemical contamination of the skin may also produce alopecia.

Is it curable?

With natural medicines, it is usually possible to help a cat to overcome the psychological and stress situations that might lead to alopecia. Homeopathy and Flower essences can be enormously helpful in this regard. The treatment of allergies is dealt with elsewhere.

Hormonal alopecia can be more troublesome. Since most cats are either spayed or castrated, their glandular system is no longer complete. This does not represent a total bar to successful natural therapy, however. Full holistic constitutional homeopathic prescribing is often highly successful in removing the problem. There may be a need for repeat treatments at certain times of year, since this condition is often seasonal.

As a support to the body, in its attempts to restore proper balance, a natural and unprocessed diet can be very helpful, assuming the cat will take to it after years on manufactured food, on which cats can appear to become dependent.

See also ‘Allergy


The term Anaemia is usually applied to reduced red cells or haemoglobin (hemoglobin) pigment in the blood. It can occur as a result of haemorrhage (hemorrhage) or blood loss, damage to red cells or failure of production of red cells or combinations of these. It can also result from a shortage or deficiency of the raw materials required for haemoglobin production (viz. Iron, Folic acid and Vitamin B12), from viral disease and from adverse reaction to vaccination (vaccinosis). There are rarer causes, from autoimmune processes (AIHA or IMHA) or infection (FIA).

In the case of haemorrhage or blood loss, the loss must be stopped, as a matter of urgency. For instance, if the blood loss is due to worm infestation, that must be treated. If due to injury, the bleeding must be prevented by pressure or other appropriate intervention.

Poisoning by rat poison (rodenticide) can be a possible cause of blood loss and anaemia in dogs and cats. Promptly administered Vitamin K injections and homeopathic prescribing will usually stop the process and hasten resolution.

Diagnosis is usually by a combination of the pale appearance of mucous membranes, slow capillary refill, lethargy, altered heart beat or blood sample.

Holistic treatment is usually very effective. We establish the cause, as best we can, eliminating any ongoing cause and providing a correct diet. We then use homeopathy, as a stimulus to optimum red blood cell and haemoglobin production. In the case of autoimmune (or immune-mediated) anaemia, homeopathic constitutional treatment is usually successful. FIA also requires complex prescription techniques. For these, an experienced and specially qualified homeopathic vet should be consulted.

Good nutrition is also advocated, to speed recovery.


See ‘Iliac Thrombosis


What is it?

The term ‘arthritis’ implies inflammation of a joint. Taken literally, this can include a simple sprain but it is more often used to describe osteo-arthritis, in which long-term bony changes occur in the skeleton, around the joints. These changes can result in swelling and deformation of the joint. The resultant pain and altered movement can cause lameness or can, in bad cases, be quite crippling.

What causes it?

It can result from a poorly healed injury, ruptured ligaments, developmental problems (rare in the cat), infective damage, surgery or repetitive strain injury. The latter is very common in cats, who climb compulsively and jump down onto concrete, swing from branches and eaves and generally traumatise themselves as a normal way of life in a modern human environment. The chronic inflammation around the joint stimulates new bone formation, which alters the shape of the joint, restricts the range of movement and gives rise to pain.

Is it treatable?

By and large, the answer is yes. A cure may not be possible but positive responses can result in reduced symptoms or even apparent disappearance of symptoms in the best cases. Quality of life can generally be improved or restored and drug usage can be reduced or removed.

In conventional medicine, it is usual to try to suppress the inflammatory reaction and block the pain response with pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs (such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), steroid/cortisone or a combination of these). This is a life-time task and not every cat can tolerate these drugs. While some pain relief can be achieved, progress of the disease is not altered.

In natural medicine, at the Alternative Vet, we try to stimulate more healthy and more normal skeletal remodelling, aiming for long-term improvement in joint shape and structure. We try to rebalance the body’s inflammatory responses, thus reducing or removing pain. In difficult cases, pain may be more directly controlled by acupuncture or by specific homeopathic or herbal medication. LASER therapy is an invaluable tool in cats, who not only tolerate and accept it but seem to enjoy it. Magnet therapy shows great promise, in some cases (it is not usually possible to predict which cases) and can alter the whole situation over a period.

Diet is an essential component of holistic treatment, in that the immune system will heal much more quickly and more effectively if given a natural, healthy, unprocessed diet. Healthy skeletal structure depends upon healthy raw materials, thus exploiting the constant recycling of the skeleton. The activity of inflammatory mediators can be modified through diet. Certain supplements may have a beneficial effect (e.g. essential fatty acids, cartilage precursors (best supplied by the provision of raw bones), alfalfa etc.).

In order to try to optimise the way in which the cat uses his or her skeleton, we use chiropractic manipulation. There are usually multiple skeletal misalignments in arthritis cases. Some of these may be part of the ‘cause’ and some may be part of the ‘effect’ of the disease. In either case, better movement results in better healing capability.



Asthma is a condition characterised by respiratory difficulty or distress and sometimes with excess mucus in airways and nasal passages. It can be fairly constant or can be episodic. There may or may not be an accompanying cough.

It appears to be a disease of immune origin (i.e. immune malfunction) and can often follow vaccination, which is designed to be a potent disturbance to normal immune function.

Many cases will respond favourably to homeopathic prescribing (homeopathy).

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In autoimmune disorders, the cat's immune system turns on the cat's own tissues and organs. The consequences can be severe but many cases respond favourably to homeopathic prescribing (homeopathy). Possible triggers may be toxins, virus infection or vaccination.

Autoimmune disorder is the subject of a .pdf document (click).

Also, we have an introductory page on Autoimmune Disorders.


What is it?

Back problems can be extremely disabling and painful for a cat. Problems can vary from simple soreness, with sensitivity to pressure, through spinal and pelvic misalignments to a full-blown injury or to serious chronic pathology (e.g. spondylosis). The early signs can be easy to miss, as we can so easily write off the reduced activity and altered movement to ‘age’.

How does it occur?

Life’s wear and tear, in the complex and unnatural environment and lifestyle a cat shares with us, can lead to misalignments of the back (spine). If these are not corrected in a timely fashion, secondary longer-term damage can ensue. Neck injuries occur from falls and other traumas. Lameness can lead to uneven stresses on the spine, resulting in misalignments.

Is it responsive to treatment?

Simple misalignments are usually easy to correct by chiropractic manipulation. The immediate effects of such input can be startling. Any pain, resulting from the muscle spasm caused by misalignment, can usually also be helped by LASER, acupuncture and homeopathy. At the AVMC, we integrate these therapies to try to achieve optimum healing. Magnet therapy may also be helpful in some cases. Long-term pathology, such as spondylosis, is treated in a similar way to arthritis.

At the AVMC, we have a special interest in back work.

Even the independent NHS watchdog, NICE (N.I.C.E. – National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence), has recognised the potential benefit from acupuncture and manipulation in the relief of human back pain (as of May 2009 –

However, many conventional vets appear to be very suspicious of the practice, to the potential detriment of many of their patients.

Back People

There are many ‘back people’ who ply their trade. Animal-qualified chiropractors are examined by the McTimoney Chiropractic Association. These are genuine. Of those without this qualification, some will, of course, also be genuine but caution is advised in using someone without the qualification. Some self-appointed back people are dangerous.

Physiotherapists work on the musculature, which can be very valuable in suitable cases, but most with whom we have had contact do not acknowledge spinal misalignment.

All chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and other manipulators are required, by the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, to work only on the recommendation of a vet and under the supervision of a vet.


Many pieces of equipment are recommended, by salespersons or practitioners, for back problems. Ultra-sound, LASER therapy, Magnet, Faradic and TENS are but a few of these. Before embarking on such programs, which can be expensive quite apart from safety and welfare considerations, please consult your vet, to enquire about suitability or safety for the particular cat. You may need to consult a vet who is experienced in a full range of holistic therapies for cats, to access the necessary expertise to evaluate these tools.

Acupuncture, Chiropractic and Homeopathy can make a useful contribution to integrated pain management (integrative pain management).

See also:


Behavioural problems are commonly presented for homeopathic treatment. Not all are strictly behavioural in nature, in that there may be an underlying physical cause, dietary cause or even some internal disease, an extreme example of which can be low-grade meningitis or encephalitis.

As some problems are purely behavioural in origin, resulting perhaps from hereditary or learned causes, behavioural therapy is worth considering. However, the possibility of a more organic cause must not be overlooked.

If the problem is curable, which not all are, then the holistic approach provided by homeopathy, including close attention to dietary, nutritional and environmental detail, should be able to bring about a positive result.

Common so-called ‘behavioural' problems treated at the AVMC include:

  • Agitation
  • Aggression
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Depression
  • Excitability
  • Fears (darkness, alone, thunder, noises etc.)
  • House training
  • Hyperactivity
  • Hypersexuality
  • Hysteria
  • Insecurity
  • Irritability
  • Jealousy
  • Nervousness
  • Possessiveness
  • Resentment
  • Sadness
  • Sexual behavioural problems
  • Urine spraying & marking (inappropriate)

It is worth remembering that, while insurance companies tend to exclude treatment for purely behavioural problems from their benefits, those problems which have an underlying physical or dietary cause are claimable.




Calicivirus and FVR are two of the ‘cat flu'-type virus infections. In acute stages, cats will often respond well to homeopathy. Chronic cases can usually be helped. However, gum disease (stomatitis / gingivitis) arising from calicivirus can be a very stubborn condition to treat.

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Cancer is the subject of a .pdf document (Cancer – Neoplasia)

The dreaded word, cancer, is deeply feared by most of us. When it strikes, however, it is important to try to look dispassionately at it, in order to see it for what it is and to be able to stand a chance of beating it.

It is, by and large, a disease of our times. We pollute our air, water and food with so many chemicals and unknown and unquantified cocktails of chemicals, that the earth has never met before in its millions of years of existence. Yet we expect it to cope. We blast ourselves and our animals with powerful electromagnetic pollution (e.g. mobile ‘phones, cordless telephones, Wi-Fi). We bombard our bodies and those of our animals with so much adverse material and influence that it should not be surprising when the system yields to this pressure on occasions.

Vaccinations (vaccination problems), pollution, manufactured diets and suppression of simpler diseases are all possible potent causes, behind the general state of cancer. In cats, there are viruses that can be involved and there is a specific vaccinal tumour (Vaccination Site Sarcoma – caused by vaccination, mostly in the USA).

How can we beat it? Firstly, it is important to realise that some individuals can do so, especially with the help and support offered by natural medicine and holistic diet work. We have examples of success with cancer and malignancy. These include especially the virus-induced forms. Secondly, it is important to face the opponent and accept that much of cancer is brought about by our lifestyle and habits, both as individuals and as a race. Some of these bad practices are, happily, reversible, if we recognise them. Thirdly, it requires an all-out, no half-measures approach.

Diet, holistic medicine, change of lifestyle and love can turn around some very powerful diseases. While we sadly lose a significant proportion of our feline cancer cases, many do survive, to lead a happy and long life. We can only do our best and we can only promise effort. In treating cancers, we adopt an uncompromising, pedantic and detailed approach to health management and treatment, which is the best way we know to stand a chance of beating this most formidable of foes. We have only one crack at it, with no ‘dress rehearsals'.

The main weapons in our fight against cancer are: homeopathy, diet, herbs, supplements and management changes.


See ‘Calicivirus & FVR


Chlamydiosis (infection with Chlamydia) usually responds well to homeopathic prescribing (homeopathy).

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Constipation in the cat usually results from colon and rectum malfunction or even paralysis. The cause is unknown but it is a serious condition. At our present state of knowledge, we are unable to rule out dry diets and the cumulative effect of multiple treatments with insecticidal compounds as a possible causes or part-causes. We have had circumstantial evidence to support the possibility of toxicity from some spot-on flea treatments as a cause or part-cause. Hair ball has been blamed by some sources.

With constipation, the cat will usually strain ineffectually to pass faeces. When faeces accumulates, this is known as obstipation. The enlarged and flaccid (paralysed) colon is termed ‘Megacolon‘. This latter condition may be a consequence of nerve toxins and we have suspicions about some flea killing medications in this regard.

When a cat suffers megacolon, manual abdominal massage, enemas or surgery are the options for clearing the obstruction, depending upon the size and hardness of the faecal accumulation. To maintain the passing of faeces thereafter, bulk aperients are necessary, along with homeopathic attempts to restore a degree of function to the large bowel and possibly acupuncture. Surgical removal of most (paralysed segment) of the colon is a possibility in refractory cases. Although unattractive, it has proved successful in a number of refractory cases.

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Injury to or infectious disease of the front of the eye can result in a corneal ulcer. This is usually very painful. In extreme cases, the membrane on the inside of the cornea (Descemet's membrane) can bulge through the ulcer (keratocoele). The conventional approach to severe or chronic eye ulcers is often surgery, including conjunctival flaps and grafting. In all the years of using homeopathy, sometimes for extremely severe and sometimes for extremely stubborn and refractory ulcers, we have so far neverhad to resort to surgical intervention.

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Cystitis in cats usually responds well to homeopathy. This is part of the Feline Urological Syndrome (FUS) complex.

See ‘Urological Syndrome


This condition can usually be helped by homeopathy, in that diabetic cats appear to be easier to balance on their insulin treatment and may, with time, show a reduction or even in some cases cessation of the need for insulin. This is an area demanding experience and expertise on the part of the prescriber, so we recommend seeking the help of a qualified and experienced homeopathic vet.

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Dairrhoea can usually be helped by homeopathy and a full holistic approach, including diet etc.

Acute diarrhoea usually responds very quickly.

Chronic diarrhoea (and related conditions, e.g. colitis) can take a little longer to resolve but usually responds positively to homeopathic treatment. Chronic diarrhoea in cats especially can be extremely stubborn. Many such cases are seen at AVMC.

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Otitis externa – Otitis media – Canker

We are frequently called upon to treat ear infections and other ear problems in cats. Happily, most cats experience a positive outcome. We mostly use homeopathy and aromatherapy, to overcome the problem. However, it must also be said that some of the most stubborn ear problems we have encountered have been in cats.

It is not uncommon for cats to suffer problems with their ears. The usual conventional treatment is to use antibiotic-with-steroid ointments or lotions. These are, of course, suppressive and in most cases cannot permanently resolve the problem. Surgery to remove all or part of the ear canal is often recommended in long-term cases.

At the AVMC, we have a tiered approach, using Aromatherapy as a first line in mild cases. We back this up with Homeopathy, if we believe the problem to be constitutional or chronic.

We also have several powder-type topical treatments, which must be used very carefully according to instructions, in order to prevent accumulation or deposits in the ear.

While we are unable to claim 100% success, results have been very rewarding overall, in avoiding antibiotic, steroid or surgery. In fairness, it must be emphasised that some of the most stubborn and difficult ear cases we have been asked to treat have been in cats.

For cancer of the ear flap, see the general notes on cancer.



Eosinophilic skin disease may be of autoimmune origin. It usually responds well to homeopathy. We find LASER therapy (not LASER surgery) to be very helpful, in addition to the homeopathic treatment.

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See also: Rodent Ulcer


(a man-made disease?)

It is not clear how feline dysautonomia was caused. In the early 1980s, it was very common (at least we saw many cases at AVMC). Cases could be very distressing but many responded well to homeopathic prescribing (homeopathy) and careful nursing, even before the syndrome was officially identified. At first, we were taken by surprise by the sudden emergence of such a devastating and widespread disease.

We have seen no cases for many years. Cases were very widespread and occurred in a definite period. Speculation leads one to suspect food contamination, since toxin from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum is now suspected as having been associated with this syndrome, or vaccine contamination (or contamination of some other frequently or widely administered intervention, almost certainly of human manufacture or direct toxic effects (e.g. from insecticidal sprays) – of course, no one is owning up to this).

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Cases of Feline Leukosis (FeLV) have survived, with the aid of homeopathy. Also, spread within a colony appears to be preventable, using homeoprophylaxis.

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Feline Infectious Anaemia (FIA) is an infectious disease of the red cells of the blood and is spread by biting parasites. It is possible that a queen can pass the disease to kittens and that the organism may spread during cat fights. The infective organism used to be called Haemobartonella felis and has now been renamed as a Mycoplasma (Mycoplasma haemofelis).

Cases have survived, with the aid of homeopathy. Also, spread within a colony appears to be preventable, using homeoprophylaxis. We therefore do not embark on a course of treatment with pessimism.

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(the name is a misnomer but has remained within the literature)

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a serious disease of cats, associated with a coronavirus. It can remain latent in the body for some time after infection is acquired. The disease can spread within a colony of cats.

Two forms of the disease are recognised: the dry form and the wet form. Cases have survived, with the aid of homeopathy, especially if caught early. However, it can be a formidable disease.

Also, spread within a colony appears to be preventable, using homeoprophylaxis.

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The disease arising from Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) has similarities to the disease AIDS in humans. Cases have survived, with the aid of homeopathy. Also, spread within a colony appears to be preventable, using homeoprophylaxis.

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See ‘Urological Syndrome


See ‘Allergy




There are natural methods of control of fleas which do not involve harsh chemicals. The AVMC can advise clients on the issue of natural flea control.

Visit Flea Control, for a general article on the subject.

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Pending completion of this section, we must warn that cats are very susceptible to food poisoning, so food hygiene and food receptacle hygiene is of great importance for cats, especially during warmer weather or in a well-heated house.

Should a cat develop signs of food poisoning, we would consider this an emergency and would recommend skilled homeopathic intervention as early as possible.

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Gum Disease

Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums, infection of the gums) and stomatitis are quite prevalent in cats. They can be immune-related. They threaten tooth viability. They can arise from failure to supply a correct diet (i.e. insufficient chewing of raw meat or bones) and from viral infection (e.g. calicivirus). Vaccination may also play a part, although this would be almost impossible to prove in any single case.

Homeopathy appears to provide a way to ameliorate a proportion of cases. Natural mouth washes (e.g. those containing oils such as myrrh and rosemary) can also help. This can be a very stubborn condition to treat. In some severe and troublesome cases, although it seems a very drastic thing to do, removal of teeth has been effective in restoring welfare although not, of course, providing a cure.

See also: Teeth

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There are many useful strategies to help heart disease, in particular nutrition, homeopathy and herbs. It is a very complex and potentially dangerous group of conditions, for which we advise consulting a homeopathic vet with appropriate skills and experience.

Taurine deficiency can lead to heart disease in cats and commercial foods were implicated in the aetiology of heart disease in many cases, until the manufacturers added taurine. This is an example of how dangerous it can be to rely on commercial foods.

See also: ECG

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Viral conditions can usually be significantly helped by homeopathic prescribing (homeopathy). Herpes cases have usually responded. Prevention of spread within a colony of cats also appears to be possible (homeoprophylaxis).

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Hyperthyroid disease is presently a common problem in cats, which makes one think that there is something that we are doing, which is causing it. Diet, flea treatments, wormers, vaccines etc. have to be considered as possible aetiological agents.

It is characterised by a cat that is forever hungry (constant voracious appetite), yowls for food, desires fresh air, loses weight drastically and has a poor coat.

Less common in cats is hypothyroidism (myxoedema).

Homeopathy can be used to treat hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, with reasonable hopes for control (rather than cure). We have maintained many such cats for a good number of years, on homeopathic medication. The conventional alternative is by using antithyroxine drugs, a form of chemotherapy or surgery (or combinations of these).

There may be a connection with vaccination and autoimmunity.

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The condition is characterised by sudden-onset paraplegia (hind quarter paralysis), usually with cold hind limbs and possibly cyanosis (blueness) of the skin. The precise cause is unknown but the condition has been associated with cardiomyopathy. Taurine deficiency may be implicated.

At the AVMC our experience with this condition has been very positive, using homeopathy and acupuncture.

See also: Heart

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See ‘Calicivirus & FVR


See ‘Feline Dysautonomia


While not able to offer a cure of chronic renal failure, homeopathy can provide a means of maintaining a good quality of life, even in many quite severe cases and often for what appears to be a normal lifespan (see case history).

The body is unable to repair lost kidney tissue but we have found that many serious cases can survive for many years, so long as they have not lost too much viable kidney tissue.

Judging from the outcome in many cases seen, what homeopathy appears to be able to do for such cats is to stimulate what is left of the kidney to function better and to stop the degenerative process.

This is a life-threatening disease and we advocate seeking the advice of a qualified and experienced homeopathic vet.

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Lungworm is a parasitic disease in which roundworms (nematodes) of the species Aelurostrongylus abstrusus infest the pulmonary artery and right ventricle (heart) of the cat.

The disease is acquired through the ingestion of what are called ‘paratenic' hosts (e.g. mice, birds, voles, frogs or lizards – cats are unlikely to eat slugs and snails, which is the usual source of lungworm infection for dogs). Larvae migrate through the peritoneal and thoracic cavities to the lungs. Here, as adults, they mate and produce larvae which are coughed up and swallowed, thus infecting the cat's faeces.

Affected cats may show no symptoms or may suffer respiratory impairment, poor exercise tolerance, coughing and dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing). The parasite damages the lungs.

Diarrhoea and wasting can follow in longer-term cases.

Diagnosis: larvae are found by the Baermann faeces test.

At the AVMC, we have not been asked to treat a case so can report no experience with natural treatments. The disease is not common and therefore, while advising vigilance, we do not encourage scaremongering.


Homeopathy can usually help cases of miliary dermatitis (Miliary Eczema). Too often, the condition is dismissed as simple flea allergy, whereas it is in reality a much more complex disease than that, possibly involving endocrine and immune balance.

The name is derived from the multiple small spots and scabs that form over the back and rump of affected cats. The skin may look very inflamed, there may be significant hair loss and the cat can be very itchy and irritable. This may lead to self-inflicted trauma of the skin.

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See also ‘Allergy




See also: Thyroid Problems

Obesity is the word used to describe serious overweight. It can arise from overfeeding, incorrect diet or thyroid problems (i.e. thyroid insufficiency, a.k.a. myxoedema, hypothyroidism). If reduction of food intake fails to solve the problem, one of the other two factors is likely to be at work. In the case of hypothyroidism, the cat is usually also quite sluggish, chilly and lazy. Another cause of obesity is long-term steroid (cortisone, corticosteroid) treatment and hormonal progestagen therapy (now discredited).

Incorrect diet: It is now well-accepted that incorrect diet can lead to obesity in humans (children and adults), which is reaching epidemic proportions in the UK and USA. For some reason, it is less well-accepted that similar factors operate with dogs and cats. Modern, processed, high-carbohydrate foods are leading to a serious overweight problem in the UK's dog population (there is also growing concern about cats), so much so that the RSPCA has issued a public notice, warning people of the welfare aspect of this. They also state that obesity can lead to other diseases, such as arthritis, heart problems and diabetes (“Pet obesity can cause arthritis, high blood pressure, poor liver function and diabetes, amongst other conditions. A more scientific and objective appraisal might suggest that these diseases may share a common causality with obesity ( e.g. unsuitable diets), rather than being 'caused by' obesity.

Why do they not also condemn the unsuitable manufactured foods? The link is clear. Obesity is on the march and the sale of manufactured pet foods, in supermarkets and veterinary practices, is a massive and growing market and highly profitable sector. Instead, the RSPCA has ‘teamed up' with Joe Inglis (vet), who markets his own range of foods, under the guise of fresh food. Of course, this may be a step in the right direction, but it is far from fresh food. This is sadly still commerciality, under a subtle disguise. I would be happier if any commercial links between the RSPCA and others were absolutely transparent.

Cats have no dietary requirement for carbohydrate foods and, in some cases, feeding those foods will lead to serious overweight problems. Furthermore, the processing involved in manufacture alters various nutrients, in a negative way which, along with undesirable additives, can add to the obesity problem. At the AVMC, we advocate the feeding of fresh, home-prepared foods and a low carbohydrate diet, in which case, obesity does not arise.

Homeopathic prescribing (homeopathy), along with dietary advice, can help many cases of dietary obesity.

A stark illustration of the powerful negative effect of unsuitable diets was provided in September 2007, from a surprising quarter. A trip to the Rock of Gibraltar presented Barbary Apes (Macaca sylvanus) of two distinct ‘varieties'. Around the tourist shop, pickings of cake, ice cream, biscuits and sweets had led to obesity, whereas those on the rock proper, fed copious quantities of fresh fruit, were athletic, muscular and slim. Pictures illustrate this point admirably:

See also: (‘Obesity – where's the mystery? 11th October 2007′).

Other causes: Some cases of thyroid problems may also be helped by homeopathy. For steroid-induced obesity, the remedy has to be to find another (e.g. homeopathy or acupuncture) treatment for the disease for which the steroid was prescribed and to wean the patient gradually off the steroid (under veterinary guidance). However we have found that, if too much steroid has been given, over a period, the damage can sadly be irreparable.


Osteomyelitis is a deep infection (bacterial or fungal) in bone. It is very resistant to treatment with antibiotics. It is possible that it is difficult to achieve sufficient levels of antibiotics in such tissues.

Osteomyelitis occurs from injury, surgery or blood-borne infection. The most common source of infection is an open fracture or gunshot wound. It is a potentially very dangerous condition and can threaten a limb or even life itself.

Homeopathy and Osteomyelitis

We have treated many cases of osteomyelitis over the years and the vast majority have recovered, coincidental with homeopathic treatment.




Paralysis usually results from damage to the nerves (motor nerves) which supply muscles. It can affect any motor nerve and therefore any muscular part of the body. It is called hemiplegia when one side of the body is affected, paraplegia when both hind limbs are affected and quadriplegia when all four limbs are affected.

Nerves are generally able to heal more rapidly and more effectively than is generally believed. This capability is greatly enhanced by appropriately integrated homeopathic, acupuncture, LASER and dietary input, resulting in some surprising successes, often long after the original injury has occurred and when hope had receded.

While promises of success cannot be guaranteed, at the AVMC we do not set out by giving cases a gloomy prognosis, in view of having experienced such consistently positive results of therapy.

The most common forms of paralysis that we have treated are: Disc Disease (usually in dogs) Radial Paralysis, Tail Paralysis, Aortic Embolism aka Iliac Thrombosis or Saddle Thrombosis (cats) and brachial plexus injury.


Eosinophilic Granuloma

In cases of rodent ulcer, we usually see swelling of the margin of the upper lip, followed by ulceration and erosion. It can result in significant loss of the upper lip.

This condition appears to be of possible auto-immune origin. Cases usually respond well to homeopathy. Some cases can recur from time to time, but these relapses usually respond well again. At the AVMC, we have found LASER therapy to be enormously beneficial, in support of the homeopathic treatment.

This condition was quite common but we do not see it as frequently in the 21st Century, for unknown reasons.

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See also: Eosinophilic Skin Disease

This is possibly an autoimmune disorder.


See also: ‘Cancer

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See also: ‘Cancer





Sinusitis usually presents with nasal discharge, sometimes nasal stoppage and mouth breathing. There is usually sneezing and may be some blood.

Using homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture and other techniques, we have usually been able to provide relief for patients suffering this problem.

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See also ‘Cat Flu


See ‘Gingivitis – Stomatitis


Tooth health with carnivorous species is a constant challenge, unless they have access to raw meat and bones. This is mainly a dietary issue (nutrition) but, in cats, viral diseases may also affect gum health. If tartar is not kept at bay and if gum health is not maintained, the likely sequel is tooth infection, pain and eventual loss of teeth.

Cats can suffer dental caries (tooth decay) more readily than dogs. Avoid providing a significant proportion of carbohydrate food.

See also ‘Gingivitis – Stomatitis‘ :: Teeth & Teething


See ‘Iliac Thrombosis


Like dogs, cats can suffer thyroid hormone deficiency. It is a rare disease, arising from under-activity of the thyroid gland.

The result is a lazy, overweight and chilly cat, sometimes with an increased appetite.

In some cases of hypothyroidism, homeopathy may be able to stimulate the thyroid gland to function more normally, which is the ideal solution. If this strategy fails, thyroxine supplementation is available, using proprietary preparations but such treatment may need to be lifelong.

It is possibly an autoimmune disorder.

A similar condition may also follow on over-enthusiastic treatment for hyperthyroidism. If it is a result of overuse of an anti-thyroxine drug, stopping the drug may help to reverse the problem.

See also: Hyperthyroid, which is a much more common cat disease.


Ulcers can be defined as lesions in which the superficial layers of skin or mucous membrane have been damaged or lost and have failed to heal.

They can occur on the skin, anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract, including the mouth, any other mucous membrane and in the eye (see corneal ulcer).

LASER therapy has been very helpful in the treatment of skin ulceration. Homeopathic treatment and herbal applications are also very valuable.

Holistic management is essential to speedy recovery.

See also: Rodent Ulcer

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Cats exhibiting urine spraying behaviour usually respond well to homeopathy. It is a complex and sometimes purely behavioural issue, which requires quite detailed investigation in each case. Where disease plays a part, it is clear that we have to seek to cure that disease.

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Feline Urological Syndrome – FUS

The term Feline Urological Syndrome (FUS) embraces many problems of the feline urinary tract, including bladder, kidneys and urethra.

Cystitis and general feline urological problems usually show a good response to homeopathy. Preventive medicine (esp. diet) is also very important.

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While the motivation for vaccination is easy to see and is highly commendable, the possibility of harmful effects are rarely openly discussed. Since the positive side of vaccination needs no further explanation, this paper will look briefly at the ‘down’ side.

Vaccination usually implies the introduction to the body, usually by injection, of antigenic material (proteins from viruses or bacteria), which may be live or inactivated. It is not often understood that it may also include preservatives, foreign tissue of the same or a different species and other chemicals.

The stimulus to the immune system may be over harsh, especially in the case of repeated doses, or in kittens that may not have been well-endowed with maternal immunity at the time of early vaccination. The science behind repeated dosing, usually annually, is not well developed and can be shown, in many cases, to be seriously flawed.

The route of administration is not natural, infective attack being expected by the body to occur via nose or mouth. This can therefore override the body’s normal immune responses.

The vaccinal challenge, in susceptible individuals, can result in a temporary or semi-permanent imbalance in immune function. We may see the possible effects of this in allergy, auto-immunity, skin disorders, sinus problems, hyperthyroidism, hormonal imbalance, susceptibility to viruses and bacteria, etc.

The ill effects of vaccination can often be seen some time after the injection. Three months is not an untoward interval, for the chronic effects of immune imbalance finally to be expressed as visible signs. There are, however, rarer and more dramatic ‘immediate’ ill-effects. These include anaphyllaxis (a violent and life-threatening allergic response), abscessation at the site of injection, excessive pyrexia (fever), fits and convulsions.

Homeopathy can often correct the imbalance caused by ill-effects of vaccination but this is in by no means every case.

The homeopathic alternative to vaccine, which appears to have served thousands of cats well, is as yet unproven by conventional scientific parameters. This is the use of nosodes. The method of proof required involves animal experimentation, from which we recoil. Clinical trials, providing very promising results, have been undertaken and published (research) and more are under way, in both dogs and cats. The method is far from conventional acceptance, however, as matters currently stand.

See also: ‘Vaccination Issues‘ : ‘Vaccination Problems.pdf‘.



Owing to their lifestyle and their nature, cats suffer wounds not infrequently. These can vary from minor cuts and abrasions, not worthy of much concern and often healing uneventfully without any intervention, to severe and extensive wounds, which necessitate veterinary attention and often protracted care. Cat bites are also relatively common, leading almost invariably to abscess formation.

In 40 years of veterinary practice and twenty years of ‘seeing practice’ before that, it has been my dubious pleasure to see a massive variety of wounds and a plethora of wound management techniques.

Some basic principles should serve to guide us in our assessment and treatment of wounds.

See also: Ulcer – Ulceration

See also: First Aid

See also: Abscess

Interfere as little as possible.
Avoid excessive cleaning, which can often do tissue damage in its own right.
Only stitch or staple if vital to a healing process.
If wound closure is required, leave good room for drainage of fluids and discharges.
Choose the simplest intervention possible.
Do not rush to antibiotics*.
Use natural healing stimulation and wound treatments, wherever possible (e.g. LASER therapy, homeopathy, herbs, acupuncture).
In cases of large areas of skin loss, skin grafting must be considered at some point***

*We do not appear to need antibiotics, in wounds treated naturally.
**In our experience, proud flesh does not occur in a wound treated holistically from the outset.
***Skin grafting is rarely necessary in wounds treated naturally, owing to the extensive degree of shrinkage of the ‘skinless’ area that occurs. This observable phenomenon may be due to stem cell stimulation.

See also: Treating Injury Naturally.pdf

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